
TODO: Description of Site.

Creating a Site is as easy as choosing a name, using the User.create_site() method

my_site = u.create_site("My Awesome Site")

Then to retrieve your created sites, you can User.get_sites() to see all sites

my_sites = u.get_sites()
for site in my_sites:
    print(, site.subject_id)

Then a specific site can be access by it’s ID with User.get_site()

my_site = u.get_site('xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx')

Renaming a Site can be done with Site.rename()

my_site.rename("My Super Awesome Site!")

Adding SymBLE Endnodes to the Site can be done with the Site.add_node() method; While adding SymBLE AccessPoints can be done with the Site.add_access_point() method.

my_lb = u.get_node('XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX')
my_tag = u.get_node('YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY')
my_ap = u.get_access_point('C0:00:00:00:ZZ:ZZ')


Then, to see what is registered to your site, the Site.get_nodes() method will return all SymBLE Endnodes, while Site.get_access_points will return all registered AccessPoint objects.

print("My Endnodes:")
my_nodes = my_site.get_nodes()
for node in my_nodes:
    print('\t',, node.mac_address)


print("My AccessPoints:")
my_aps = my_site.get_access_points()
for ap in my_aps:
    print('\t',, ap.mac_address)

SymBLE Endnodes can be removed with the Site.remove_node() method, while SymBLE AccessPoints can be removed with the Site.remove_access_point() method


To see who has access to your Sites, there are SiteUser objects. This can be viewed with

site_users = my_site.get_site_users()
for user in site_users:
    print(, user.subject_id)

A Site User can also be added or removed to a Site, when the proper permissions are set; Using the Site.add_site_user() and Site.remove_site_user respectively

user = my_site.get_site_user('xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx')


Areas are contained within a Site to identify a specific Area of the Site. They are created with the Site.create_area() method

my_area = my_site.create_area("Entry Point")

To see what Site owns an Area, the parent_site property can be used

my_site = my_area.parent_site

Then, removing a Area is done with the User.delete_area()


SymBLE Endnodes and AccessPoints can be added/removed/retrieved to/from Areas in exact the same way that they can be added in Sites.


Zones are then contained within Areas to identify a specific Zone of an Area. They are created with the Area.create_zone() method

my_area.create_zone("Left Side")

Like the Area object, there is a parent_site property, but there is also an additional parent_area site to connect the two objects together.

my_site = my_zone.parent_site
my_area = my_zone.parent_area

Then, removing a Zone from the Area can be done with the Area.delete_zone() method.


SymBLE Endnodes and AccessPoints can be added/removed/retrieved to/from Areas in exact the same way that they can be added in Sites and Zones.